Instructions For Authors

Thank you for considering to submit your work to the World Journal of Medical Education and Research (WJMER). To submit a manuscript to WJMER, please adhere to the following guidelines. This is to ensure that your article is processed efficiently and in a timely manner. It will also minimise delays due to the need for amendments and corrections. The articles also have to conform to the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, drawn up by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (

The specific requirements for submission to WJMER are as follows

  1. Save as a Microsoft Word 2003, 2007, 2010 document or in Rich Text Format. Please do not send as a PDF document.
  2. Use typeface (font) ‘Arial’ throughout with the following sizes:
    • Size '16' for the running title in the cover page.
    • Size '12' for author details, salutation and affiliation in the cover page.
    • Size '14' and in bold for all headings.
    • Size '12' in bold italics for all sub-headings.
    • Size '12' for main text throughout the article
  3. Author(s) information in the following format:
    • Author(s) including positions
    • Affiliation(s) including addresses
    • Email address of the corresponding author
  4. If your article has more than one author, then in the cover page you should state the role of each additional author (e.g., co-author, data collector, supervisor etc). If your article has more than four authors, then the reason for this should be explained (e.g., multicentre study, part of a longitudinal or cohort study, part of a major research study).
  5. Any competing interest you may have in writing or submitting this article (e.g., financial or consultancy) should be disclosed in the cover page of the article. If your study received any funding from a commercial source or a pharmaceutical company, then kindly state the independence of the authors (researchers) from the funders and sponsors. If there is no competing interest or funding source, please include a statement highlighting this.
  6. Please provide a 150-200 word abstract.
  7. Please provide five keywords that identifies the main aspects of the article
  8. The article, if appropriate, should be divided into the following subheadings: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. References should be listed at the end of the article.
  9. The total length of the article should be limited to 3,000 words maximum.
  10. If tables and figures are provided, please discount 100 words per table or per image from the main text. For example, if your article has 5 figures and 4 tables, this equates to 900 words (in terms of article size). Hence the maximum word count in this instance should be 2,100 words of text.
  11. A maximum of 30 references is allowed and it is the author’s responsibility to check the accuracy of the references.
  12. References should be in Vancouver style – this means numeric superscript in the main text (e.g.,TGF-ß3 has been previously reported to have anti-scarring properties1. This has been corroborated in the study by Moses and colleagues in 20032.)
  13. The references should be listed in the following order: Author surname, initial. Title of article. Journal. Date of publication. Volume/Version. Page number.e.g., Jones M, Smith R. The role of nucleotide mutation in sleep apnoea syndrome. Journal of Cytoplasmic Research. January 2014. Vol 4 (2), pg 23-46.
  14. Images need to be submitted as a separate file. Please do not include them (do not embed) within the main body of the text. High resolution images should be grouped together and uploaded as an archive (zip format).
  15. If your article includes patient information or photographs then kindly ensure that you have the required consent form. Likewise, if your research needed ethical approval kindly ensure that you retain that documentation but please state this in the cover page of the article.

If you have a query regarding submission of your article, please contact us at one of the following email addresses:

Thank you once again for considering to submit your article to the World Journal of Medical Education and Research (WJMER).

With very best wishes,
Editorial Team
World Journal of Medical Education and Research (WJMER)
Doctors Academy Group